We strive for on-time appointments.
We understand everyone seeking orthodontic treatment has other important obligations during the day, usually work or school, and we do our best to accommodate to your schedule. When active treatment begins, each patient is seen approximately every 4-10 weeks and some of these appointments may conflict with work or school schedules.
Because we use the newest orthodontic technology, patients can have a shorter treatment time and less frequent appointments. Most appointments are relatively short, so we have designed our schedule to have short appointments after school and work hours. There are a few appointments, which are more time consuming, such as diagnostic records and placing and removing braces. It is necessary to do these procedures during school or work hours.
We have devoted considerable time and effort to designing our schedule with our patient's valuable time in mind. Our goals for each appointment are to see you on time, have adequate time to complete the necessary procedures, to answer any questions, and update you on the progress of treatment.
Office Hours: 10:30-5:30 Monday-Thursday
If contacting our office before or after regular hours, you will reach our answering system. We will return your call the next business day or Dr. Maskeroni can be reached at home if you are experiencing an orthodontic problem (410-313-8566).